Pioneer School Days:
Pioneer Schooling will be offered again at the Polk County Rural Lanesdale School located in downtown Balsam Lake. Known as the Lanesdale School, this one-room school house was built in the 1880s' at nearby Cushing, where as many as 82 students attended in a single year. In 1965 the school was purchased by the Polk County Historical Society and moved to Balsam Lake. The school is not only used for Pioneer Schooling, but displays many educational items from the late 1800s' and early 1900s'.
Ms. Patricia MacDonald has many things planned for the students in the 3-day sessions of reading, writing and arithmetic. The children will be delighted with songs and games as an extra highlight depicting a rural school in the 1880s'. Ms. MacDonald will request that the children dress and carry lunches in containers of the era.
For 2013, the 3-day pioneer School will begin at 10:00 am to 2:00 pm, August 13th, 14th & 15th. The second session is August 20th, 21st & 22nd. The cost for each session is $45.00.
Please call for more information: the Polk County Museum - Historical Society: 715-485-9269.
Michelle Pedersen
Balsam Lake, WI