Pabst Brewery Explosion 1909
Sun 6/30/2013
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
October 25, 1909
The Pabst Brewing Company suffered from a sudden setback on October 25, 1909. A major boiler house explosion devastated three stories of the Brewery early the morning of the 25th. The damage was estimated about $250,000 and injured four and killed one workman. The death was, of course, the Boiler Operator. The Pabst Brewing Company filed suit against the Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection and Insurance to recover $150,000 for the damage caused by the boiler. The case took many months in court. The question was whether the loss was caused by a single explosion or by three explosions in quick succession. Pabst’s insurance policy listed its liability to $50,000 for each explosion. The Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection and Insurance claimed that the explosion was from one boiler and Pabst claimed there were three explosions. Pabst tried to recover the limit for each one of the boilers. Eventually, Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection and Insurance only paid $50,000 for the damage. .
Matt Keenan